Meet the Team – Jeremy Tractenberg

Jeremy TractenbergOur team spotlight today is on Jeremy Tractenberg, the newest addition to our Chemical Concepts family. We sat down with Jeremy and asked him a few fun questions to get to know him.

  • What are some hobbies you enjoy in your free time?

Learning Japanese, building computers, reading graphic novels, playing guitar and drawing.

  • If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?

If I could have any one superpower, I would choose the ability of ‘phasing.’ As showcased by Kitty Pryde of the X-Men, ‘phasing’ allows any object or person she comes into contact with to become intangible. With said power, I could pretty much do anything with ease. I guess you could I say, nothing would phase me.

  • What is one of your pet peeves?

My biggest pet peeve is the overuse of the word ‘like,’ especially when it’s used as a filler word in a sentence.

  • Is there anything else?

My favorite dad joke: What do you get when you have a dinosaur that skydives?
A giant hole.