News from the Warehouse

Vernon Johnson

With the hot temperatures outside, and the warehouse a scorcher during the summer months, we are waiting for the change of season. Fall is just around the corner and the kids will be back at school. Chemical Concepts is looking forward to servicing your autumn projects. Our warehouse has continued to make many improvements, which makes shipping on time, with minimal errors. Our new warehouse manager Scott Paul and staff have been working hard to organize our storage, which will aide in revolutionizing the shipping and receiving needs. Our goal is to keep our customers satisfied. I’m proud to say that we are listening to all and making adjustments to meet the needs of everybody.   

We revamped our refrigerators with space saving shelves on sliders so we can add more room for storage by being able to push shelves together or apart.

Vernon Johnson taping a box

Using fiber tape on boxes insure shipments are intact while in transit.

Vernon Johnson-From the Warehouse

Vernon Johnson