Springtime Turf Care Made Easier with Turf-Set Products

synthetic turf council logoSchools, universities, local governments, and more have learned that the investment in synthetic turf for athletic and sports fields is certainly paying off in the long run. According to the Synthetic Turf Council, artificial turf fields last about eight years before needing to be replaced or repaired, depending on the frequency and nature of use. Some experts advise that it can cost roughly three times less, per event, than natural grass in a 20 year window due to the durability and longevity of synthetic turf. But there is certainly more that goes into the shelf life, or “field life,” of an artificial sports field than meets the eye.

(By the way, we’re proud to be certified by the Synthetic Turf Council.)

The investment in synthetic turf still requires care…and the proper products for fixing repairs when they inevitably happen.

Here are a few routine maintenance tips for caring for artificial turf.

  • Conduct regular inspections and perform minor repairs to avoid hazards for those playing on the turf.
  • Be diligent in keeping the playing surface clean and free of debris and contaminants.
  • Check and maintain proper infill levels to provide a consistent and level surface.
  • Regularly brush and groom the surface to enhance its appearance, keep grass fibers upright, and maintain even infill levels.

Diligent care with the proper repair products is key to making the investment in synthetic turf last for years and years.

A Look at a Few of Our Top-Selling Turf-Set Turf Repair Products

Turf-Set Rapid Repair KitPerhaps the most popular product from our Turf-Set line is the Rapid Repair Kit, which is essentially a combination kit of several products and accessories. This kit includes several items that make it possible for any grounds person to make a quick, yet quality repair, on their athletic field. We’ve taken the guesswork out of what’s best to make sure you always have on hand for unexpected repairs – this kit will take care of all that you need when a turf repair need arises.

The kit includes a 400ml cartridge of Rapid Repair adhesive, a dispensing gun, a four pack of dispensing nozzles, 10 ft. roll of seaming tape, and a trowel.

The Rapid Repair Adhesive itself is a two-part, quickly setting adhesive designed specifically for the bonding of synthetic turf fabric. This can and is frequently used to both repair fields and install synthetic turf. 

Lots of customers wisely keep a few rolls of our Turf-Set seam tape on hand. Our tape is 12” wide and 110 yards long.

Here’s a quick link to all of the synthetic turf-related products available from Chemical Concepts.

If you’re regularly dealing with synthetic turf maintenance issues, we welcome you to give our Turf-Set products a try. Our experienced sales team will be happy to answer any questions you may have about these products, or offer suggestions to make your springtime turf maintenance more efficient and cost-effective. Give us a call (toll-free) at 800-220-1966 or email us at sales@chemical- concepts.com. We’ll be happy to help!