Surface Preparation

One of the most common questions we get from our customers points to surface preparation as it relates to their specific projects. As you learn throughout your life, preparation is key if you want to succeed, and the adhesives, sealant, and primer world is no different. While it is true that some materials bond quite easily, a large majority require special preparation to achieve the best bond. This avoids surface contamination, which is one of the biggest causes of bond failure.

Make sure the solvent/cleaner is residue free!

The good news is that surface preparation is relatively simple if you know what to do. Follow these steps and your surface is ready for adhesion.

  1. 1. Clean the surface with a solvent or cleaner that doesn’t leave a residue.
  2. 2. Ensure that the surface is dry
  3. 3. Roughen the surface to help the adhesive grab whatever you are bonding, but make sure to wipe away any loose particles created during the ro
    ughing process.
  4. 4. If your material calls for a primer, apply it.
  5. 5. When you’re ready to apply your adhesive, ensure you are in the operative temperature range. Most require an ideal temperature of 70ºF, with the minimum being 55ºF, but this can vary depending on your adhesive. Temperature is extremely important, as a higher temperature can reduce the working life, as well as open, set, and cure times of your adhesive.
  6. 6. Let dry and enjoy!

The most important surface preparation factor for your next project is to make certain that your surface is clear of anything that may inhibit its bond. Rust, mold, oil, grease, and many other contaminants can be present on your surface, so clearing these ensures the best bond.

Do you have a question you’d like answered? Feel free to give us a call, send us an email, or reach out to us via our contact page or social pages. We’d love to hear from you!