Winter Transportation: Products That Maintain Safety

snowmobile repair kitsDuring the winter months most of the country is blanketed by wintery weather.  Cold temperatures that brings snow and ice.   At Chemical Concepts, we want to see all our clients enjoy a safe and productive winter season and those who enjoy winter activities keep their sport utility vehicles in good repair.   Here are some great products to have on an emergency.

Truck Maintenance

Trucks are on the road all year long. Deliveries don’t take a break; neither should your equipment! We offer a wide variety of adhesives and sealants designed to protect your vehicle (and its driver!) from the bitter cold this winter. From cab sealing to hood reinforcement brackets, your trucks will be weatherproof against even the worst storms.

Our featured products include our versatile LORD acrylic adhesive and sealant line, designed to seal your truck up tight against howling winds and chilling snowfall. LORD’s products are versatile and durable with fast bonding times, making them the perfect choice for on-board maintenance during a trip. Lord acrylic and polyurethane adhesives are designed specifically to seal , and an alternate option we also supply is Permabond methacrylates.

Snowmobile Maintenance

If you live up North, you’ve probably already broken out the snowmobile this year! During fast-accumulating snowfall, quick repairs are of the utmost importance. We offer two fully-stocked snowmobile repair kits, providing everything you need for the PRO-RMK chassis repair, including:

  • (1) Tube LORD 406/19GB Grey 50mL structural acrylic adhesive
  • (4) TAH190-620 mixing nozzles
  • (1) DK119 4:1 ratio caulk gun adapter gun or (1) LP50 gun

Our LORD GB (glass bead) structural acrylic adhesive is a powerful, fast-bonding adhesive perfect for metal bonding. The glass beads in the adhesive create a strong, even joint capable of replacing welding, riveting, and other mechanical fastening techniques.

ABS Maintenance

In the winter months, ABS is an incredibly important feature. ABS, or the anti-lock braking system, is a safety anti-skid braking system used in cars, motorcycles, trucks, and buses. Failure of this system during a winter storm could prove deadly, as the vehicle’s wheels could lock up during braking. This could cause a loss of traction and dangerous skidding on a snowy roadway.

Our structural adhesives can be used on any component of the ABS system to correct or strengthen failed or weakened bonds. These adhesives can be applied in any weather conditions and have lightning-fast bond times, so you won’t be stuck out in the cold! These are great adhesives to have on hand in case of spontaneous ABS failure until you’re able to make it to an automotive repair shop.

Winter safety is imperative for a busy world, particularly where transportation is concerned. Keeping a close eye on your equipment will keep everyone safe and ensure a smooth season for all. To view our full product list, click here. Need help determining which product is right for your equipment? Our representatives are here to help! Give us a call, toll-free, at 1-800-220-1966 or send us an email at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!