UV Curing Adhesives – Identifying the Benefits

Ultra Violet Curing, or “UV” curing for short, has to do with the ability of an adhesive to instantly cure by way of being exposed to high intensity ultraviolet light. When the adhesive with this characteristic is met with the right variety and intensity of light aforementioned a photochemical reaction occurs, resulting in an instantaneous cure. At Chemical Concepts we offer a variety of adhesive products that fall into this category. We’ll cover a few of those products in this blog and also detail the clear benefits of these UV curing options.

The Curing Process

As with all UV curing adhesives, a particular form of light must be applied in order to achieve curing. Most contractors know their way around applying that light but in some cases, like our Chem-Set “No Bloom” UV Stone Repair Kit, an LED flashlight is included to administer that light. In most cases LED flashlights are sufficient, but for high power options there is such a thing as UV curing lamps, designed specifically for this task. At any rate, the UV light properly shone on the UV curable adhesive means an instant cure.

LED flashlight

Why is this so important? Here are three reasons why this characteristic in an adhesive can save time and increase output. 

Flexibility – It’s clear that instant means instant, as it relates to applying UV light, but it’s not as clear to most folks that UV cure adhesives, when UV light is not applied, allows for unlimited open time. For the contractor or applicator, this spells flexibility. Without racing the clock to meet the open time deadline, as is the case with some adhesives, UV cure adhesives are not limited in this way. Applicators need not rush or potentially waste the time and money associated with doing the job over or not having the ability to multi-task.

Productivity –  UV cure adhesives, with the ability to essentially “cure on a dime” cannot be matched or competed with in the realm of productivity. When a full and permanent cure can be achieved in a moment, this is an indisputable fact.

Permanency – One other factor that works to the advantage of most UV cure adhesives is the degree of permanency with which they promote. Some adhesives can stave off an issue or temporarily do the job, but when repeated use or the elements come knocking, they wear down. UV cure adhesives, on the other hand, are much more permanent, lasting longer and enduring much.

A Couple of our UV Curable Adhesive Products

Chem-Set “No Bloom” UV Stone Repair KitThe Chem-Set “No Bloom” UV Stone Repair Kit

This product from Chem-Set helps stone fabricators and homeowners quickly and permanently repair chips, scratches, or gouges in their marble or granite fixtures.

The Permabond UV610

The UV610 from Permabond is a translucent, high strength bonder traditionally used for glass to metal applications.

The Permabond UV630

The colorless UV630 is a low viscosity UV cure adhesive ideal for plastic to plastic bonding.

For any other information about our UV cure offerings, don’t hesitate to email or phone our sales team!

[email protected] – 800.220.1966